Profile Photo for Linda Bartholomew

Linda Bartholomew

Alderman Ward I

Department: City and Council

Linda Bartholomew is a retired business owner and community activist. Bartholomew and her husband, Tom, owned and operated the Faulkton Drug in Faulkton, SD for forty-three years before selling the business in 2008.   Bartholomew is and has been involved with many organizations and projects in the Faulkton area and has served on several boards. She served as the music liturgist at her church for over 45 years before retiring from that position in 2013. Both she and her husband served on the Faulkton Area Medical Center Foundation Campaign Steering Committee which helped raise close to a million dollars and resulted in a new hospital being built and opened in Faulkton in 2007. Bartholomew is presently on the boards of the Faulkton Area Economic  Development Corporation, the Aberdeen Community Theatre, the Faulkton Cemetery Association,  Area IV Senior Nutrition and is a member of the Faulkton Housing and Redevelopment Commission and the City Council. She is also a member of the Faulkton Area Arts Council, the Faulkton Area Lions Club, Legion Auxiliary, and Faulk County Historical Society. She is also an advocate for the community of Faulkton, it's progressive nature and for its "can-do" attitude with the motto “We Believe In Possible.”