Cheryl’s Catering
General Information

Listing Information
I have always loved to cook. Before my Mom corralled me to start helping her in the house, I spent the summers making mud pies with my sisters. We even set up our store and sold them to our brothers!
My husband Fred and I got married in the drought year of 1976, and began our dairy business just weeks later. We were blessed with seven wonderful children in fourteen years. We worked together as a family in our dairy and farm until the barn burned to the ground in 1992. I began working at the Legion Café in Orient in 1993, and that was where my catering career began to blossom. Once again, we were working together as a family, as we prepared and fed up to 900 people at a single event. It took all hands to make it work! But working together is what we do best.
Our children are grown and gone from home. Five of them served in the military, and three are full time military today. Two of our daughters are Registered Nurses, and one graduated with a BS from SDSU and is employed by R&R Pheasant Lodge as their manager and works part-time for me, and the youngest daughter is full time Air Force. Our oldest son is full time Army National Guard, and our youngest is in the Marines. We are blessed to have our middle son farming with us.
Our annual Mother’s Day Buffet (this year’s will be our 20th) embodies my families’ mission. We all work together, make a crazy amount of delicious foods, and have a great time doing it. We end up with 6 different entrees, 24 salads, 18 desserts, 6 different kinds of breads, as well as numerous choices of potatoes and vegetables. We have tried to cut back, but no one knows how to do LESS! We all enjoy going the extra mile, as long as we have each other to lean on. We truly find JOY in working together.
My dad always told me, and I have passed it onto my children, “You might as well learn to enjoy what you HAVE to do. When you work with a good attitude, your job is half done.”